Hi, I’m Max the Ambassador for Staffies – a 13 year old Staffie who was rescued from a life of torture when I was 8 months old.
Locked in a crate for all those months I was being kept for use in dog fighting.
I was saved just in time, rescued from a situation that was described by my rescuers as “one of the most harrowing” they’d ever seen.
When I arrived home with my family everything was new to me – the smell of fresh green grass, aeroplanes passing overhead, toys, car rides and all of the other things that I should have been able to experience and enjoy long before.
Although I had a horrendous ordeal during the first 8 months of my life, I’ve never held any fear of people.
My love and gentle nature knows no bounds.
Everywhere we go people say what a lovely gentle natured dog I am.
I have changed the false belief that Staffies are aggressive and helped people to see past their fears of the breed.
People started to refer to me as the ‘Ambassador for Staffies’, this title stuck and led to the creation of my popular Facebook group –
Max – Ambassador for Staffies

My mission is to teach the world the truth about this excellent breed.
Staffies are known as the ‘nanny dog’ because of their soft loving natures.
I’m is also the Ambassador for the Senior Staffy Club.
A charity that works hard to rehome Staffies age 7+.
I was asked to become the Ambassador because of my impressive outreach and online missions.
I’m proud to support this incredible charity.

Each year, I honour the fallen animal heroes who lost their lives during both the first and second World Wars – educating people about the heroic roles they played.
People have been amazed at how many different animals served during the wars and my presence has initiated peoples interest and curiosity.
During remembrance parades I have joined and walked with the war veterans in honour off the animal heroes – laying a purple and red poppy wreath on the Cenotaph in their memory.

I’m an assistance dog to my disabled human sister.
Some people don’t approve of a Staffie being an assistant dog with some places trying to turn us away – this is another important issue my work aims to change.

I was a guide dog for my blind doggy sister, Sophie who sadly passed away a few years ago – I wasn’t trained for this role, but knew that my sister needed extra help and support, so stepped in.
I led her everywhere, even when she needed the garden in the night, I would never let her go alone – she put all her trust in me and we had a lovely bond.

My little doggy brother, Milo was diagnosed with heart and lung disease in 2020 and December the same year he had to undergo heart surgery. It was a frightening time for all the family.
He had to stay in hospital for nearly a week.
I provided emotional support and comfort to my family during this difficult time.
Plus, when my little bother came home, I understood the need to be very gentle and took on the role of comforting and protecting him. Wherever he went, I followed.
He wasn’t allowed to jump or do much exercise.
Milo soon recovered and was back to his normal mischievous self in no time.
Sadly Milo passed away in July 2022. My family are devastated and he remains in our hearts forever.
I’ve recently started a new service to help find lost dogs – Max’s Find and Reunite

I also help small businesses who are suffering due to the pandemic.